Cuba Ratified the Agreement that will Transform the EU-LAC Foundation into an International Organisation

Cuba ratified the agreement that will transform the EU-LAC Foundation into an international organisation, becoming the fourth CELAC Member to do so and the fourteenth overall.

Cuba’s ratification confirms its decision to keep strengthening the relations between the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the European Union, and its support to the role that the EU-LAC Foundation plays in the promotion of these bi-regional relations. The constitutive agreement was ratified in the framework of the first European Union – Cuba Joint Council.

The threshold for entry into force of the Agreement is eight ratifications from each region. The EU-LAC Foundation has been operating with a transitory status under German civil law since November 2011, yet the swift ratification of the Agreement will allow it to be recognised as a genuine bi-regional organisation and be better equipped for the fulfilment of its ambitious mandate.