CSR Europe

CSR Europe's corporate membership brings together around 65 multinational companies across sectors and regions. CSR Europe's network of 42 national partner organisations reaches out to more than 10,000 companies in Europe. CSR Europe's mission is to connect companies to share best practices on CSR and innovate with peers to shape the business and political agenda on sustainability and competitiveness in Europe. Practically, through the Enterprise 2020 initiative, CSR Europe fosters collaboration and innovative practical action to shape the business contribution to the European Union's Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. CSR Europe Supports companies in building sustainable competitiveness by providing a platform for innovation. It Fosters close cooperation between companies and their stakeholders by exploring new ways of working together to create a sustainable future. Finally, itStrengthens Europe's global leadership on CSR by engaging with EU institutions and a wider range of international players
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs
Rue Victor Oudart 7
1030 Brussels