Countdown to the EU-CELAC Summit

Ramón Jáuregui Atondo is a Member of the European Parliament and Co-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat). This paper was prepared for the EU-LAC Foundation’s Newsletter of June 2015 published in the framework of the 2015 EU-CELAC Summit. This is a translation of the responsibility of the EU-LAC Foundation; to read the original version in Spanish please follow the link:…

We are on the eve of the II European Union – Latin America and Caribbean Summit, that Brussels will host on 10th and 11h of June. The timing could not be more interesting: an Europe that laboriously tries to get out of the crisis is the host to a Latin America that faces its own challenges in the economic and political spheres, all this in a turbulent global context whose challenges compromise both regions.

This Summit is the opportunity to go beyond the protocal pictures and declarative commitments, to boost the bi-regional partnership producing concrete and tangible results. Despite the unquestionable difficulty of this goal, I believe  that there is a window of opportunity to achieve it.  (read article)