Cooperation Agreement with the University of Szeged

This morning we had a meeting with Dr Péter Zakar, Vice-Rector of the University of Szeged, an important partner in Hungary, to subscribe a cooperation agreement and to explore initiatives of joint work, especially with academics from the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective is to give visibility to the bi-regional partnership through initiatives, mainly in the academic sphere.

The two entities thus strengthened their ties, following their collaboration at the XIXth Congress of the Federation International Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC) which took place from 24 to 28 June 2019 in Szeged. The successful event was organised by the Department of Hispanic Studies of the University of Szeged and co-financed by the EU-LAC Foundation. The result was the publication of Supplement II of the Acta Hispánica, dedicated to "Latin America and the World: Spaces of Encounter and Cooperation" in which the insights of a comprehensive intercultural dialogue were compiled and in which more than 350 experts on history, literature, linguists, film, press, media, education, politics and economics participated.