Conference: Is the world prepared for a shared multipolarity?

Is the wold prepared for a shared multipolarity?

Conference with Antonio de Aguiar Patriota

Ambassador of Brazil in Italy and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil

Organized by Almanacco Latinoamericano and the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana in the framework of the "Latin America Meetings"

The speakers at the opening session will be:

  • Juan Fernando Holguín Flores, Ambassador of Ecuador and President of IILA
  • Fabio Porta, Parliamentarian and president of the Italy-Brazil Friendship Association

Moderator: Donato di Santo, Coordinator of the "Latin America Meetings"

The program of communications will have the interventions of:

  • Pierferdinando Casini, President of the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the Senate of the Republic
  • Piero Fassino, President of CeSPI- Center for International Policy Studies
  • Lia Quartapelle, Representative of the PD in the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies

Moderator: Donato di Santo, coordinator of the "Meetings with Latin America"

The conference will take place on February 3rd  at 5:00 p.m.


Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana

Sala Igea- Palazzo Mattei di Paganica

Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4

To attend the conference you must pre-register by sending an email to:


Almanacco Latin American:

Please visit the event´s official website for further details