Conference: Sephardic Women in Latin America

Within the framework of the Latin American and the Caribbean Fall Festival, the EU-LAC Foundation and the Instituto Cervantes organises the Conference on Sephardic Women in Latin America, held by Dr. Pilar Romeu Ferré, as part of the conference cycle "Journey Through the Sephardic World", promoted by the Instituto Cervantes.

Dr. Pilar Romeu Ferré coordinates the editorial collection "Fuente Clara. Studies of Sephardic Culture" by the publishing house Tirocinio from Barcelona, dedicated exclusively to Sephardic studies ( In 2001, Dr. Romeu Ferré was awarded with the Rivadeneira Prize by the Real Academia de la Lengua Española. Her publications include works that are crucial for an understanding of the history of the Sephardism: Moisés Almosnino. Crónica de los reyes otomanos (1998), Fuente Clara (Salónica, 1595) (2007), and Diálogo del colorado (Salonica, 1601) (2014).

The conference will be presented by Dr. Michael Studemund-Halévy.

The conference will be held in Spanish.

Place: Instituto Cervantes of Hamburg

Fischertwiete 1,

20095 Hamburg

Time: 19.00h