Conference: The Port of Barranquilla and the Ports of the Magdalena River in Colombia

Within the framework of the Latin American and the Caribbean Fall Festival, the EU-LAC Foundation and the Instituto Cervantes organises the Conference " The Port of Barranquilla and the Ports of the Magdalena River in Colombia", held by Mr. Alfredo Carbonell, Executive Director of Asoportuaria- Puertos Unidos del Atlántico, Colombia.

This event is carried out as a follow-up to the conferences "Port Cities in the Globalisation - Barranquilla and Hamburg" and "Port Cities – Doors of Continents Barranquilla and the ports of Northern Europe: past and present", held in March 2017 in Bogotá and Barranquilla, respectively, and organised by the Universidad del Norte with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation, with which this university signed a cooperation agreement. This conference is part of the conference cycle on the importance of Spanish and Latin American ports, promoted by the Instituto Cervantes.

The focal point of the conference will be a reflection on the past, present and future of the Maritime Port of Barranquilla and the port system at the mouth of the Magdalena River in the Caribbean Sea. Based on the experience of Barranquilla as a port city, the conference aims to shed some light on crucial aspects in the life of port cities, as well as the links and exchange that has existed and still exists between the Colombian Caribbean and the large ports in the North of Europe, such as Hamburg.

The conference will be held in Spanish.

Place: Instituto Cervantes Hamburg - Fischertwiete 1, 20095 Hamburg

Time: 19:00h