Conference: Culture & Linguistic Diversity in Argentina, The Welsh Community in Chubut

In the framework of the Latin American and Caribbean Fall Festival 2017, the General Consulate of the Republic of Argentina in Hamburg and the Romanic Seminar of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität of Kiel (CAU), organises the following Conference:

- Culture Multilingualism in Argentina by Prof. Dr. Elmar Eggert- Director of the Romanic Seminar of the CAU Kiel

- Linguistic Diversity in Buenos Aires by Facundo Reyna Muniain- Researcher of the Romanic Seminar of the CAU Kiel

- The Welsh Community in Chubut by Deborah Arbes- Student Assistant in Linguistics of the University of Bremen


The lectures are going to be held held in German. The entry is free and a previous registration is not required. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017 from 18 to 20 h

Place: Instituto Cervantes Hamburg- Chilehaus, Eingang B- Fischerwiete, 20095 Hamburg