Colloquium “Infrastructures and Integration: a European-Latin American focus”

Institut des Amériques is organizing the Coloquium “Infrastructures and Integration: a European-Latin American focus”. The event will take place on 09 October 2013, at the prestigiousVictor Hugo Room of the National Assembly of Paris.

With the support of the EU-LAC Foundation, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Alstom, the event will bring together organisations responsible for integration in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe, analysts, academics, as well as experts from the public and private sectors, specialised in infrastructure development, regional integration and the EU-LAC relationship.

The Colloquium will analyse regional integration processes in Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean, from the perspective of the development of cross-border and transnational networks in transport, energy and the Internet, as well as its impact on socio-economic and territorial cohesion. Moreover, it aims at providing elements of analysis on the role of integration and infrastructure investments in sustainable development.

For more information, please visit the website of the Colloquium (in Spanish) here.