Climate Change, We´re All Responsible

Climate Change, We’re All Responsible is an event organized by the European Union Delegation in Brazil, WWF-Brazil and Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (city government of Rio de Janeiro), in partnership with the Environmental Department, Member-states of the EU in Brazil and their cultural institutions.

Today we are dealing with the challenge of reducing greenhouse gases in the context of an increasing world population. We are facing a task that is essential to the survival of the planet, and we are at a crucial moment, one in which we need to change our habits. Over eight days, 20 organizations from Brazil and Europe will shed light on good, reproducible practices for the individual citizen, communities, civil societies, public administration, companies and artistic groups. The objective of the event is to contribute to efforts to contain or mitigate climate change, presenting solutions and discussions on the following topics: water, energy, solid waste, land use and agriculture, urbanization and urban mobility, security and climate.

The exposition, which takes place from October 30 to November 6, is open to the public and free of charge.

For furthermore information, enter the event's web page by clicking here.