Child care: good practices and challenges for the construction of comprehensive care systems in the EU and LAC

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The EU-LAC Foundation, the National Institute of Women of Mexico (INMUJERES), the Global Alliance for Care, UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) cordially invited to the inter-regional dialogue: "Childcare in the EU and LAC: good practices and challenges in the construction of comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective in the EU and LAC". The event took place online on 8 June 2023 at 09:00-11:00 a.m. (Mexico) // 17:00-19:00 (Central European Summer Time).

This meeting was the fourth in a series of inclusive inter-regional dialogues of the EU-LAC Women's International Network, organised with the aim of making visible policies, regulations, initiatives and actions for the construction of comprehensive care systems that promote gender equality and identify opportunities and strategies for greater articulation between actors in both regions on the issue. The dialogues offered a space for exchange with representatives of civil society networks and organisations, academic experts and international organisations specialising in the issue, as well as government representatives.

The series of dialogues was articulated around the following topics:

  1. Towards the construction of comprehensive care systems: Experiences from Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.
  2. Inclusion of people with disabilities in comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective: good practices and challenges in the EU and LAC.
  3. Long-term care: good practices and challenges in the construction of comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective in the EU and LAC.
  4. Childcare in the EU and LAC: good practices and challenges in the construction of comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective in the EU and LAC.
  5. Workers in comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective: good practices and challenges in the EU and LAC.

Each of the dialogues addressed, across both regions, the opportunities, good practices, challenges and recommendations for an effective inter-institutional articulation in the construction of comprehensive care systems centred on people.
