Campus Yuste 2024 Course - Relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean: New Times and Renewed Commitments

The EU-LAC Foundation is jointly organising, along with the Yuste Foundation, the summer course titled “Relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean: New Times and Renewed Commitments”. This event is being conducted in collaboration with the Organisation of Ibero-American States, the University of Extremadura and the Pontificia Catholic University of Puerto.

The course is designed for students from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean and will take place from 23 to 25 July at the Monastery of Yuste. It will consist of three full days dedicated to analysing the global challenges in EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations. It aims to foster reflection, debate and knowledge transfer, thereby enhancing the exploration and improvement of the implementation of strategies that contribute to building peaceful, just, safe, solidary and egalitarian societies. The objective is to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and forge alliances to address the current levels of uncertainty that the world, and in particular Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, are experiencing.

The course is based on the premise that, in our current globalised world, political relations between both regions on either side of the Atlantic Ocean are crucial. Multilateralism, which has faced threats in recent years, must be restored as it is the only approach capable of addressing current, future and global challenges and emergencies.

Following the course, a report will be prepared that will systematise the most relevant outcomes of the course.

For further information, find the page of the event here.