Café Mimir Andino 1: Specialisation of public research and investment

Watch the first Café Mimir Andino here!

Read the report of the first Café Mimir Andino here!

The EU-LAC Foundation, the Observatory of European Union - Latin America Relations OBREAL-Global Observatory (OBREAL Global) and the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) invited to the "Cafés Mimir Andino: Strategies to promote research and innovation in universities", an activity organized by the Mimir Andino project (Modernization of institutional management of research and innovation in the Andean region and Latin America), co-financed by the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE (Capacity Building in Higher Education) programme.

With a duration of 4 years, the Mimir Andino project is primarily designed to assist and encourage partner universities in South American (and specifically Andean) countries to better understand the status quo of their research management approaches, from performance and evaluation to management structures and effectiveness.

This series of five virtual discussions were intended to serve the project's partner universities and especially their research leadership. The first Café Mimir Andino "Specialisation of public research and investment: Impact, accountability and community" gathered experts and specialists from Europe and Latin America to share reflections and examples with leaders in R&I management associated with the project, and rectors and vice-rectors associated with the Mimir Andean project.

The objectives of the Cafés Mimir Andino were to:

  • Generate ideas around the implementation of the research management model to be proposed by the project;
  • To offer a networking space for research leadership;
  • Generate international debates, relating the main theme to different political and economic contexts;

Access the concept note and the event programme in the attachment.