The Bolivian Position at the International Climate Change Negotiations

Diego Pacheco, Ph.D. is the Alternate Head of the Bolivian Delegation to the UNFCCC. Antropologist (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés), Master en Rural Resources y Environmental Policies (Imperial College-London), PhD in Public Policy at the University of Indiana (Bloomingotn, USA) He has over 20 years of work experience in the fields of rural development, environment, indigenous and communitarian forestry law. He has participated in the elaboration of plans and policies on earth, rural development, forests, productive economic development and financial and non financial services.

This paper is a contribution to the EU-­LAC Foundation’s Newsletter edition of December 2014 dedicated to the theme Climate Change. This English translation is the responsibility of the EU-­LAC Foundation. To read the original paper in Spanish please follow the link:…

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change establishes the objective of achieving to stabilize the emission of greenhouse gases on the planet, allowing the ecosystems to adapt to climate change in a natural way. This should be considered as one of the main rights of Mother Earth in the context of climate change. In addition, bearing in mind that one of the main priorities of our countries is to reach a sustainable development and food security; that is advancing in a complementary manner in the exercise of the fundamental human rights.

The developed countries have presented us the need of advancing to a new climate agreement in 2015, arguing that the times have changed provided that 20 years have passed since the signing of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. If the developed countries had met their commitments of reducing gas emissions and had launched the planned actions of financial provision and the transfer of technology, we would, at this point, surely not be listening to the apocalyptic previsions of the IPCC regarding the virtual global warming. (leer artículo)