Bolivian Association for Rural Development (Pru-rural)

The Bolivian Association for Rural Development, Pro-Rural, is a private entity which supports small rural producers´ economic initiatives; initiatives from the economic organizations to which they belong; and from micro, small and medium enterprises. The aim of the offered support is to enable these actors to sustainably increase their income and to locate themselves advantageously in domestic and foreign markets.
Pro- Rural carries out this task through investments (and financial and nonfinancial services) that they tailor according to their member enterprises and businesses´ characteristics.
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Governance, Political Affairs
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs
Av. 6 de Agosto 2577, Edificio "Las Dos Torres", Piso 12. La Paz

Phone Number: (591-2) 2433336 – 2435006
Fax Number: (591-2) 2435069