Bi-regional Economic Perspectives: presentation of the report on Corporate Social Responsibility in Chile

Santiago de Chile. -The EU-LAC Foundation presented the report “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of the Relations Between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States (CELAC)” last June in the headquarters of the Regional Office of the UN Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean.

The research’s director Yanina Kowszyk presented the report commissioned to the Forum Empresa network by the Foundation with the aim of exploring new areas of cooperation and contributing to regional dialogue in this matter.

Her intervention took place during the seminar “RSE competitiveness and bi-regional CELAC-EU” organised for this purpose. Among other personalities, the event was attended by the Chief of the Innovation and New Technologies Unit of the CEPAL Division of Production, Productivity and Management, Mario Castillo, and the ambassadors in Chile from the EU, Rafael Dochao and from Ecuador, Homero Arellano.

On the part of Chile, the only country of CELAC that has launched a national plan for action on the matter of corporate responsibility, it was Katia Trusich, Undersecretary of Economy, who made a short analysis of the challenges that the process involved and of the experience obtained so far. 

The report led by Kowszyk, analyses the progress in the building of national plans of corporate social responsibility in the EU-CELAC, and includes a roadmap with strands of action that must be considered within the bi-regional cooperation framework in the following years, including private sector.