Atlas of Industrial Geography of Colombia

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The Atlas of Industrial Geography of Colombia is the result of the second phase of the Industrial Maps of Latin America and the Caribbean (MIALC) project supported by the EU-LAC Foundation and co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), in collaboration with the Presidential Cooperation Agency of Colombia (APC) and the National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia (DANE).

The publication of the Atlas of Industrial Geography of Colombia is part of the EU-LAC Foundation's ongoing commitment to support the strategic partnership agenda between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean for the strengthening of entrepreneurship and bi-regional competitiveness.

This Atlas is a collection of geographical maps that accurately illustrate the territorial and sectoral distribution of the Colombian manufacturing industry. The technical information of the Atlas is based on a scientific-statistical methodology, developed by the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desarrollo Económico, Territorio e Instituiciones (CIDETI) of the University of Bologna and by the Fundación Observatorio Pymes (FOP) of Argentina.

The information contained in the Atlas may constitute a useful action guide for public programmers and for the decision making of private entrepreneurs, as well as for international investors interested in knowing more in detail the industrial potentialities of each territory of the country.


This Atlas can also be accessed in a user-friendly manner through an interactive platform that allows users to identify specific topics of interest. Searches can be made through the buttons that were designed to identify chapters, territories, sectors, tables, and graphs.

This tool also makes available the industrial maps of 9 other countries that were built in the first phase of the MIALC Project.