Atlantic approaches to global challenges: Sustainability, recovery and new security threat

This webinar was part of an alliance between the Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 and EU-LAC Foundation with the aim of promoting a high-level debate on the potential contribution of the countries and regions of the Atlantic Basin to multilateralism in key aspects to face the global challenges in the post-pandemic scenario.

The webinar consisted of four sessions that address different issues of global challenges and the responses that are being promoted from the international community. The first block, led by EU-LAC Foundation, asked about the different perceptions and perspectives of the different regions in reference to the renewal of the multilateral system in a global way. The other three sessions corresponded to challenges related to the three thematic pillars of the Jean Monnet Atlantic Network; the second panel analysed the regional visions on the commitments in the fight against climate change and specifically the expectations before the COP26 of November 2021; the third panel focused on the results of the NATO Summit and its impact on the transatlantic security agenda; and the fourth panel analysed the challenges of the post-pandemic recovery in terms of sustainability.

The event was part of the series of co-organised events that were selected through the fourth call for co-organised events launched by the EU-LAC Foundation at the end of 2020. This select activity is co-organised by CIDOB and the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Brazil and is also part of the Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 network. A second part of this initiative is scheduled to take place in Brussels at the end of the year under the title: The Atlantic Basin Contributions Towards Multilateralism: An Outlook for the 2020s.