Asociación de Mujeres Ixpiyakok

The Ixpiyakok Women's Association brings together 30 groups of Maya women in Chimaltenango to improve local food security and nutrition through organic family farms and seed banks. Originally launched as a credit and savings program for local women, the association has expanded into health and education service provision, as well as advocacy for women’s rights. The association supports the creation of family farms, provides guidance on organic farming techniques, and promotes the cultivation of native heirloom species such as chipilín, quilete, and native chilies. Training is also provided to ‘community educators’ on health, food security and nutrition. Household gardens provide local women with surplus crops that can be sold in local markets to generate an additional source of income. Each self-help group maintains a central seed bank, which has increased local access to native plants and reduced dependence on external inputs. Each group also maintains a tree nursery for fruit tree propagation, which adds diversity and earning capacity to family gardens and farms.
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development

14.6029046, -90.5148114

1era avenida 3-27 zona 3 Condominio Real 3
Departamento de Chimaltenango

Phone: 00502 78404052
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