Arica y Parinacota, Cultural Landscape of America

Spirituality, Culture, Patrimonial and Heritage preservation are part of the daily life of the Arica and Parinacota communities. A reality reflected through the multiple voices and experiences, from peasants to academics, gathered in the book “Arica y Parinacota, Cultural Landscape of America“.

The promotion and preservation of spiritual landscape as part of the cultural patrimony was the main subject during the presentation of the book in Hamburg. Other topics include the region’s history, from colonial times until today.

The book presents a conservation project integrated with a sustainable development model that attends the most profound needs of small Andean and rural communities in Chile. Its patrimonial initiatives include: preservation of historical buildings, learning on the base of traditional and scientific knowledge, enhance the shared value and communicate the experience of the involved actors.

Porque me enamoré de ti (How did I fall in love with you)

The book is an outcome of a broadcast program of the Regional Government of Arica and Parinacota/ SUBDERE, executed  by Altiplano Foundation, which pursues the conservation of natural and cultural heritage as a sustainable development strategy with the participation of the communities. This conservation project started in 2003 with the aim to restore the ancient temples made of stone and earth, which are  fundamental elements in the day-to-day life of the Andean-Aymara communities.

Porque me enamoré de ti (How did I fall in love with you) is a network that seeks to integrate everyone who shares the purpose of achieving a happier and sustainable world through heritage preservation and the work in rural and indigenous communities.

As highlighted by Cristian Heinsen, Executive Director of the Altiplano Foundation in Chile, the book proposes a simple way to address the conservation of natural and cultural resources as an alternative sustainable development approach for communities and territories, in order to steer and to align the contradictory purposes of patrimonial conservation and economic growth.

The presentation of the book in Hamburg was supported  by the European Union- Latin America and Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation), the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the Chilean Consulate.


 For information about the book launch in Hamburg please read this article 

For information about the Fundación Altiplano please visit the official website