ALIARSE Fundación para la Sostenibilidad y la Equidad

The Foundation for Sustainability and Equality, known as ALIARSE, is an initiative promoted by public institutions and private companies which, aware of the economic, social, and environmental challenges faced by the country, and exercising their social responsibility, have joined forces to contribute to national development, social justice, and sustainability.
Geographical level
Costa Rica
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Governance, Political Affairs
Higher Education
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs

9.9386108, -84.0959349

Avenue 5, 29th Street
South-East corner of Parque Francia
White building Barrio Escalante
San Jose 11062-1000 Costa Rica
Relevant Projects
English for change (EVOLC)
Alianza para el aprovechamiento de residuos valorizables en Costa Rica
Programa Vigilantes del Agua