The EU-LAC Foundation’s Newsletter provides up-to-date news, its recent publications and upcoming events, open tenders and informs regularly about possibilities for participation and the development of ongoing processes within the EU-CELAC association. Moreover, each edition seeks to convey a perspective on a strategic theme for the relationship between the countries of the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean with the aim to keep encouraging further mutual knowledge and understanding between both regions and their peoples.
Please write your organisation's general information the way you want it to be shown in MAPEO.
To personalise your presentation, you can add photos (up to 4 photos) to represent your work.
Maximum 4 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif jpe jpeg jpg png webp svg.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
With the aim of giving more visibility to your institution, you can add a short description of it.
Indicate here the services your organisation is offering by choosing between training, technical advice, internships, credit, scholarships and others. If you choose ‘Others’, you can add another service, which has not been listed yet.

The geographical level refers to the geographical range of the organisation and can be according to its sphere of activity international, national, regional and sub-regional.

If the organisation works at the global scale, the geographical level of the organisation can be identified as international, if the activities are limited to one country, it is national. ‘Regional’ means that its area of operations is in the European Union or in Latin America and the Caribbean, while sub-regional refers to only a limited number of countries in one of these regions.

Here you can indicate in which region (Latin America, the Caribbean, the European Union or Other Country (neither LAC nor EU) your organisation has its headquarter.

This category refers to a sovereign state. Latin America and the Caribbean are considered as one region and the European Union another region.

If your organisation is binational or multinational, select as many countries as needed.

This category refers to a sovereign state. Latin America and the Caribbean are considered as one region and the European Union another region.

If your organisation is binational or multinational, select as many countries as needed.

You fill only in the category ‘Other country’ when the headquarter is located in a country not being part of the list of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union.

Please check the options relative to your organisation. This will allow MAPEO to classify your organisation in a relevant and accurate way.

An organisation refers to a legally constituted entity or institution with a legal personality. In MAPEO in the “Type of Organisation” a distinction is made between 6 categories:

  • Academic organisation
    Refers to a private or public entity that carries out higher education and research activities in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. This category includes research institutes and universities’ research groups.
  • Research centre
    Research centres are institutions dedicated to science and scientific research. They are linked to educational institutions and to the political and economic spheres. They carry out research on various topics related to the bi-regional relationship.
  • Business chambers
    Refers to a corporate entity that is created and acts to defend the interests of a given business sector, either vis-à-vis the state or vis-à-vis other national and international actors. Chambers are also organised to promote business between countries.
  • Civil Society Organisation
    Civil society denotes a broad spectrum of non-governmental, non-profit organisations (NGOs), which represent some of the interest groups of the bi-regional relationship on different issues. Multiple organisations are included: local initiatives, community-based groups, professional associations, foundations, national or sectoral associations, among others.
  • Networks/Alliances Refers to an entity that is created to promote synergies among its member organisations, as well as to join efforts around a common cause. They can be sub-regional, regional or international.
  • Social/community movements
    A social/community movement is a form of permanent collective action, in which organised core groups resort to social actions, events and public demonstrations in order to promote their demands or prevent changes that may affect them.
  • Public institutions
    Refers to the entities that receive their mandate from the public administration of a country. It includes the branches of public power: executive, legislative, judicial and electoral.
Please check the areas of interest to your organisation. Once you do this, new fields will show with the options provided by MAPEO.

The following categories were elaborated on the basis of some of the thematic priorities of the bi-regional partnership, such as:

  • Governance and political affairs
    The concept of “governance” is a crosscutting issue, which implies multidimensional coordination among different topics involved in the public bi-regional agenda. Governance is related to the active participation and compromise among the actors involved in the decision- making. Those actors represent the interests of the public and private sectors, as well as those of the civil society.
  • Justice and Human Rights
    The commitment to the Rule of Law, justice and security is deemed vital of the EU LAC strategic partnership. Organisations (public and non-public) that actively promote, conduct, and implement activities in these fields will be included in this category.
  • Security
    In accordance with the EU-CELAC Action Plan 2015 there are all those bi-regional activities included that promote the public safety.
  • International Relations
    Activities dedicated to the analysis of relations between countries, whether in their bilateral affairs, as topics of regionalism, multilateralism, globalization and global organizations.
  • Higher Education
    This category includes research activities (public and private), academic and higher education services, as well as education/ training programmes offers in universities, education institutions or professional training centres
  • Education for work
    Education for work incorporates in the student’s integral process of education the method of active, reflexive and experiential learning. This strengthens processes of knowledge and competence production and application that improve and assure employment. All the activities and programs pursuing this object can be subsumed under this category.
  • Science, Research and Innovation
    This category includes entities in charge of scientific and research activities, as well as innovation and technological development actions. This topic addresses the first article of the EU-CELAC Action Plan.
  • Climate Change and Environment
    This category involves activities aimed at improving environmental conditions in both regions. The climate change and environmental issues are directly linked to the concept of sustainable development. The main focus of this category is linked to the second article of Action Plan on 'Sustainable development; environment, climate change; biodiversity: energy'.
  • Economy and Sustainable Development
    The economy and sustainable development include all public policies, initiatives, activities and business enterprises designed to improve the human, environmental and economic conditions of the Member States of the EU and CELAC. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda) will be the reference point. Particularly, there is given priority to the activities related with the eighth article of the EU- CELAC Action Plan on ”Investment and entrepreneurship for sustainable development”.
  • SMEs
    In this category you will find according to the eighth article of the EU- CELAC Action Plan 2015-2017 those organisations promoting the SMEs and increase its competitiveness (Small and medium-sized enterprises).
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
    CSR advocates business models that comply with environmental and ethic standards promoting sustainable development in a national and international level. The beneficiaries of CSR policies are local communities, consumers, employees, investors, and vulnerable groups, among others.
  • Culture
    Activities developed in the field of art, music, cinema, photography, theatre and performance, among others. Although this point is not explicitly included in Action Plan, it is a point of interest among the member states of the strategic partnership of EU-CELAC.
  • Social Affairs
    This category includes all the activities and initiatives directed at developing social affairs relevant for the bi-regional EU-CELAC agenda. This category includes public policies concerning migration, ethnic minorities, childhood, social cohesion, health drugs, and regional integration, among others.
  • Gender
    Questions of gender represent an important topic in the EU-CELAC agenda and imply all the activities and efforts encouraging the equality between both sexes, reducing all forms of violence against women as well as the protection and promotion of the human rights of women.
  • Youth
    Within the sphere of education and employment much importance is according to the second article of the EU-CELAC Action Plan 2015-2017 attributed to young people. Activities aimed at promoting the mobility and the exchange of students, the social commitment and their working opportunities are supported.
  • Other
    Refers to the activities or initiatives that do not fit in any of the previously mentioned categories.
It will be extremely helpful if you mention the organisations you work with in a regular basis, as well as the publications and projects of your organisation related to the relationship between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Relevant Projects


Projects of your organisation that you consider relevant to the relationship between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean can be mentioned here by adding for each project another item.

If you need more fields, click on Add another item


Relevant Publications


You can also list publications of your institution that are relevant to the bi-regional relationship. You just need to add each time a new item.

If you need more fields, click on Add another item

Please write the contact information of your organisation the way you wish it to be shown in MAPEO. If your organisation has more than one office, please fill as many Address fields as required. You can establish the order by dragging and dropping the crosses at the left side.
Contact point
If your organisation has a contact person or post, you can mention here the name.



In order to contact your organisation, leave please your e-mail.

Your e-mail will be encrypted for spam protection.

We ask you to include also the address of your organisation, including the street with the number, the city, the province/state and the country.

If you complete the ‘Address string’ with the street and number, the city and the country of your headquarter, the latitude and longitude will be calculated automatically.

A combination of the address, city and country. This string will be used to find the latitude and longitude of the organisation (geocode).
Example: Große Bleichen 35, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

The latitude of the address.
The longitude of the address.