The 7th EU – Brazil Summit calls for promotion of bi-regional Strategic Partnership.

The 7th EU-Brazil Summit was held yesterday 24th February, in Brussels. This annual Summit was organised within the framework of the strategic partnership established between the European Union and Brazil in 2007. 

Among the main issues of bilateral cooperation comprising three key areas of mutual interest, economic development, foreign policy and global challenges, it was highlighted the importance of the bi-regional Strategic Partnership. 

In particular, paragraph 21 of the Joint EU-Brazil Statement emphasises “the importance of promoting the bi-regional strategic partnership between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean in order to address priority areas identified in the EU-CELAC Action Plan. The EU and Brazil will continue supporting its implementation and possible future expansion into new areas of activity. In this regard, we reaffirmed the importance of the EU-LAC Foundation and acknowledged the role it can play in deepening and strengthening the bi- regional partnership and reiterated our determination to conclude as soon as possible the negotiations for an international agreement to upgrade the Foundation.”

For reading the full text of the Joint EU – Brazil Statement please click here.