5th National Conference of Student and Phd Candidates: Latin America without Borders

The Latin American Centre of the University of Warsaw and the“Gringos” Scientific Circle are pleased to invite you to the Conference “Latin America without Borders”. The event will be presided by Joanna Gocłowska – Bolek (Director of the Latin American Centre) and will bring together over 30 speakers, students and doctoral candidates from the University of Warsaw, the Jaguiellonian University of Krakow, the University of Gdansk and many others.

The conference will be dedicated to the interdisciplinary debate around diverse aspects of the current situation in Latin America, emphasizing on its cultural diversity and the processes of sincretism and interaction between its cultures. The concept of ”borders” ,as well as ist creation, crossing and suppression, will also be discussed. 

For more information, please visit the official website.