3rd EU-LAC Journalists' Forum: Opportunities and challenges for journalism in the context of digital transformation

3rd EU-LAC Forum of Journalists

Registration link for in-person participation:  https://evento.fgv.br/forumdejornalistas_0706/

Registration link for on-line participation: https://forms.gle/TwicSQkmSX5eVHuW9

The EU-LAC Foundation, in collaboration with the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI), will organise the 3rd EU-LAC Journalists Forum with media professionals from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. This initiative invites participants to engage in an exchange on the opportunities and challenges that the digital transformation presents to the field of journalism, with a focus on the use and regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the fight against disinformation. In addition, the forum will serve as a platform to share best practices and concrete strategies to harness digital advances to improve journalism focusing on issues of mutual interest for the EU and LAC. The forum will also invite to identify opportunities for the media in the context of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance and gather input from journalists to feed the Alliance.

The 3rd EU-LAC Journalists' Forum will explore how AI is used in journalism in the EU and LAC. The aim is to identify ways to use AI positively in journalism, while addressing its challenges, focusing, among others, on the quality and credibility of automated news content; new professional profiles, tasks and working conditions; new formats; the impact on the transparency of media content; and the interaction between platforms and media within an increasingly technology-centric landscape. The forum will also examine the ethical and regulatory frameworks governing the use of digital technologies such as AI in journalism in the EU and LAC. By comparing these frameworks, the event aims to identify differences and similarities that can help develop a common approach to the ethics and regulation of digital journalism.

Another key objective is to facilitate the exchange of digital tools and collaborative networks in the fight against misinformation. The forum aims for media professionals to integrate and share strategies and resources to effectively identify misinformation practices, emphasising the importance of maintaining the integrity of information.

The event will take place on 7 June, at the School of Communication, Media and Information Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV ECMI) Campus FGV Botafogo, Praia de Botafogo, 190 Rio de Janeiro - RJ. CEP: 22250-900. It will be held in a hybrid format with simultaneous translation Spanish - English - Portuguese.