2nd Meeting of the Working Group for International Cooperation of CELAC

Global Forum to Explore a Triangular Cooperation LAC-EU

The Working-group of International Cooperation of the countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) discussed last July 30 in special meeting the "Potential triangular cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union."

This session, in which the EU-LAC Foundation was represented by its Executive Director, Jorge Valdez, and the coordinator of the Explore Programme, Bettina Trueb, allowed to set up the general guidelines for the cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean, and showed some possibilities for innovation in this cooperation.  The support of the EU-LAC Foundation to this event is part of the activities carried out within the framework of its EU-LAC Forum on Global Governance.

The Foundation, in its programme of activities, sees the holding of this forum as an opportunity for the participation of both regions in the implementation of the sustainable development goals that the UN aims to fix.

The session was held within the framework of the second meeting of the Working-group on International Cooperation CELAC which took place on the 29th and 30th of July in Costa Rica, the country holding the rotating presidency of that mechanism of political consultation cooperation and integration.

The Working Group had as main objective the adoption of a Conceptual Framework for International Cooperation, as it is an instrument of foreign policy, which would contribute to strengthen bilateral and regional relations.

The meeting was opened by Deputy Foreign Minister Alejandro Solano, who announced that the Pro Tempore Presidency of Costa Rica has developed a working program in the field of cooperation in line with the principle of "unity in diversity" that characterizes the CELAC.


Pictures by Patricia Baltodano, courtesy of Costa Rica's Pro-tempore Presidency of CELAC 2014.