2nd EU- CELAC Civil Society Forum: Building Fairer Societies

This forum is co-organised by the European NGO confederation for Relief and Development (Concord) together with its partner MESA de Articulación – the Latin American NGO association. The broad coalition of Latin American, Caribbean and European civil society organisations from different sectors will be participating at the EU-CELAC Civil Society Forum while building upon the perspectives and experiences from both regions and dividing its discussions in the following three axes:

• Promoting societies that enable socio-economic equality in CELAC and the EU

• A relationship between the two continents that boosts human rights and welfare

• Promoting democracy and citizen participation in the EU and CELAC

Distinct dialogues, workshops, actions, policy debates and open spaces will take place during the forum. The main discussions and viewpoints will be gathered in a joint declaration aimed at influencing decision makers and public opinion in Latin America & the Caribbean and the EU.


For more information please visit the official site.

Read the speech of the High Representative and Vice-President of the Europea Commission Federica Mogherini at the opening session of the EU-CELAC Civil Society Forum