20th TCI Global Conference 2017

20th TCI Global Conference 2017: "The Future of Clusters Through Cross-Country and Cross-region Collaboration". This event is organised by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce

The 20th TCI Global Conference will bring together cluster managers, economic development policymakers, opinion leaders, academics, consultants, development agency representatives, ministries, businesspeople and multilateral agencies among others.

TCI Network is the leading global network of main organizations and practitioners with deep expertise in clusters and competitiveness, who collaborate in a unique open, flexible and practical context to advance in the practice of competitiveness, innovation and cluster development.

Through its activities, TCI reaches out to 9,000 practitioners from development agencies, government departments, cluster organizations, academic institutions, companies and multilateral organizations in over 110 countries.

Founded in 1998, TCI is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization with a global scope, open to members from all continents.

Organizing Committee

The Bogota Chamber of Commerce and TCI Network organize the 20 TCI Global Conference. The event has strategic partners: INNpulsa Colombia, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, Greater Bogota Convention Bureau and Invest in Bogota.

For more information, please visit the official website