10th Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the EU-LAC International Foundation

On 24 May 2024, the 10th Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the EU-LAC International Foundation will take place in Hamburg, Germany.
This first ordinary meeting of 2024 will see the Board of Governors adopt decisions and resolutions essential for the effective operational and programmatic functioning of the Foundation, in accordance with the Foundation's Constitutive Agreement, which came into effect on 17 May 2019.
During the meeting, the Mandate Report of the Foundation's current authorities will be presented to the Board, as their tenure is coming to an end. Additionally, the Board will be briefed on the key outcomes of the activities conducted in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024. The Foundation's programme of activities for the second semester of 2024 will also be reviewed.
Attendance is by personal invitation only

10th Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the EU-LAC International Foundation