
Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an institution of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile "Andrés Bello". Its mission is to collect, organise, conserve and provide sources of information to the national and international community. Its main objectives are to contribute with active services in support of the fulfillment of Chile's foreign policy, responding to the requirements of information of the Foreign Ministry officials, teaching and research activities of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile and the external community.

Its bibliographic material of historical, political, economic, legal and international nature has been enriched with new works acquired in the country and abroad, as well as through donations and exchange with other Institutions. It has also continued to participate in cooperation programs with other similar entities, establishing new links with national libraries in order to establish plans for collaboration and exchange that allow access to information for users.

The Institution has a general collection of books of about 60,000 volumes, journals, special collections donated by diplomats and historians, and a collection of valuable books. These include the Antarctic Library belonging to the Ambassadors Oscar Pinochet de la Barra and Jorge Berguño. Sala Santiago Benadava with about 2,000 volumes, mainly on International Law, which belonged to the distinguished diplomat.

The Library has a reading room open to the public. Its most frequent users are national and foreign researchers who deal with International Relations and belong to universities, international organisations and other institutions.

 For further information, please visit the official webpage.