Fundación Los Rosales

In 1992, Los Rosales began with the construction of a social and educational Center to meet the demand of care of children and women in Casavalle, Montevideo, Uruguay in vulnerable contexts. We receives 700 families every day, were they receive breakfast, a healthy lunch and an afternoon snack, depending in the turn they assist.
From 4 years old the education is focus on girls and women. We opted for a pedagogical model due to the indisputable need to claim the female role in vulnerable contexts.
Los Rosales is a place where the girls receive a global and human education, attending to the academic content, scientific and cultural aspects of school education, to the human, spiritual, civic, artistic, social aspects and sports that complete an integral formation of the person.
Los Rosales offers an extra service to the girls, to guide and support them throughout the school term called the Tutor. The Tutor is the person who establishes the relationship between school and family. Its main task is help parents to reflect on the educational objectives, ensuring that there is unity of criteria and educational action between family and school, this also helps the permanence of the girls in the educational system.
Los Rosales Foundation offers five projects:
1. For babies from 0-24 months and children from 2-3 years old.
2. Girls club for school age. It works as a complement for girls that assist to public schools, part time.
3.Los Rosales school and secondary education. It is focus in STEM.
4. Job training.
5. Grandmothers club.
In 2017 we implemented as a request from the Casavalle families the following areas:
Care and prevention programs of domestic violence and prevention of conflicts in the educational and community areas.
Nivel geográfico
Tipo de organización
Organización de la sociedad civil
Área de interés
Educación para trabajo
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Anuncios y convocatorias

49.7156, 13.947657

Los Rosales, Cno. Capitán Mateo Tula Dufort 5150, 12300 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
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