Climate Change

Climate change has been one of the top priorities established by the Heads of State and Government in the international level, through the 2030 Agenda and SDGs 6, 7 and 13, as well as in the bi-regional level. Hence, it was included in Chapter 2 of the EU-CELAC Action Plan (2015) and its subsequent revision at the Brussels Ministerial Meeting in 2018.

Senior Officials from the two regions have acknowledged that economic recovery from the socio-economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be sustainable without addressing the global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss while shifting towards a circular economy. Ministers have stressed the importance of adopting measures to enable a low-carbon, climate-resilient development.

The Foundation seeks to support governments and other relevant actors in both regions in the generation, articulation and promotion of knowledge and cooperation networks. In this regard, in 2021 the Foundation promoted a space for dialogue within the 12th Reflection Forum about the pledges made by the countries to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and the opportunities to achieve them through cooperation between the two regions.