X EU-LAC Reflection Forum- ‘The role of culture and cultural and creative industries in the bi-regional relation’

Two days of reflection, between November 13 and 14, on the contents of the bi-regional cultural agenda in the city of Genoa, culminated in a final plenary session in which the results and recommendations of the three working groups are presented. These are Cultural Heritage, Cultural and Creative Industries, and Culture and Global Issues.

Delegates from member states of the Foundation and European institutions attended Forum, in addition to experts from different organisations and programmes (Council of Europe, EUNIC, OEI, SEGIB, UNESCO, EULAC Museums, EULAC Focus). This brought more than 30 nationalities from the two regions together.

This activity responds to the momentum achieved during the 2nd Foreign Ministers Meeting of both regions in July 2018 in Brussels, whose Declaration states, in paragraph 38, that “(the Ministers) mandate the senior officials to conduct a reflection and consultations with relevant partners on the role of culture and creative sectors in the bi-regional relationship". By March, the Foundation had already assembled experts and cultural managers from the two regions to initiate reflection in Lisbon.

For this activity, the Foundation counted on resources from the European Union, the German Federal Foreign Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, Regione Liguria, 'Comune di Genova' and the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa offered their sponsorship.